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E Scow Open Regatta

About this event


Wawasee E Scow Open

June 10th - 11th. , 2023

Lake Wawasee, Syracuse IN 46567

Regatta Registration: $165
Includes lunch and continental breakfast both days and drinks throughout regatta
Dinner Friday on your own
Saturday Dinner and 100 Year Celebration Event: $30 per person
Regatta T-Shirt (see below): $35 per person

*Note that the "Sales Tax" at payment is a 3% credit card convenience fee
Skipper and Crew - please communicate with each other to avoid double payments!
You can complete the registration process and pay at the event if preferred

Click here for 2023 NOR PDF

Registration and Dinner/T-shirt Purchase Instructions  -PLEASE READ
(Not completely intuitive and this page not visible once you proceed):

Click “Register Now” on top right side of this webpage.

If a Wawasee YC member with login ID, select "Login to Register", then "Register Now" on top right.  Then proceed to instructions below:

If not a Wawasee YC member:

“Me only” - Select this if you do not know who your crew will be yet OR if you are a guest/crew and want to pay for just your T-Shirt/Dinner

“Me + __ guests” - Select this, plus number of crew/family that you are bringing and would like to purchase their Saturday Dinner/T-shirt
"Not me, but I'm registering ____others" - Do not use this option

"My Registration" 
- Select appropriate button  

Note: If you are registering for regatta and paying for t-shirts and dinners, when you arrive to screen that says 'Activities for "registering name", only select quantity for yourself for dinner and t-shirts (Qty 1).  You will select dinner and t-shirt sizes for crew in following screens.  You can always use the back button to correct.

Fill in all required information and be sure to include a boat number if possible.


Date and Time

Sunday, June 11, 2023, 8:00 AM until Monday, June 12, 2023, 5:00 PM


Wawasee Yacht Club
6338 E Trusdell Ave
Syracuse, IN  

Event Contact(s)

Dave Newcomer



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment in Full In Advance Or At Event
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
E Scow Open Regatta
Saturday Dinner
T- Shirt